Fate/Extra CCC English patch RELEASED!

No, like, but really. It’s here. CCC is done.

It’s okay, take a second to process that.

With that done, BB hacked us and uploaded the patch to the Moon Cell we have finished the testing phase with everyone completing the game, so we’ve got no reason to hold onto it anymore!

With just how many years this project took, I wanted to give anyone who wanted to a moment to say a few words (okay some of these are essays~):

—CCC Translation Team—
Producer/Editor – cj_iwakura
Super Hacker – esperknight
Translator/Master – rikkuchou
Translator/Hero Unit – ItsumoKnight
Incredible Hacker – Kotcrab
Image Editors – IgorAkou, RoboticBomber
FoxTail Translator – EDreamer
Quality Checker – Kinsei
Translator/Tooler – JS
Translator/Battle/Shitposter – SnowyAria
Stealthy Translator – khikari
Tester: Caterer Class – Telephone_ghost

While it's pretty dang trite, it legitimately has been an honor to work with everyone on the CCC Translation Team. It takes a special kind of crazy to go from “I wish this existed” to “screw it, I’ll do it myself”.
I initially signed on because I was pissed about Extra’s endings. I was so mad and when I found out there was a JP-only sequel with a better ending for dear sweet Hakuno, I signed right the F up. I was so ready to translate Fate/Extra CCC!......’s walkthrough.
See, I played to an excellent Extra guide from Cirnopoly. Even back when, I knew that translating what amounts to an entire visual novel was a big task. So heck if I wanted to do that! What I wanted out of the project was to be a secondary translator; being the lore guy who could translate all the other things while someone else faces the behemoth. But yeah, life happened and then I was a main translator. There goes that plan.
Woefully unprepared as I was (and still am, I’m not blind to that) I must thank the people who jumped on this crazy train with me.
cj_iwakura and esperknight for leading the way, being mentors and friends to us all. Kotcrab and JS who nigh-literally made this project a reality. And Aria, a collegue I look up to very much. The remaining names listed in the credits I did not have as much time working with as I’d have liked but everyone played their part in making this patch not-imaginary. I’m glad to have been in their company.
We only put 2 memes into this game. One is a loving homage to Aksys, and you’ll find it in a similar place. The other was an error message for installation, which we took back out when we disabled the install; we put it in the patcher instead, so just 1 meme. All other references in the game are on Nasu, not us.
Please enjoy a faithful rendition of Fate/Extra CCC.
If you're reading this, you're about to embark on a trip through the longest fan translation project I've ever been involved in(as of now, anyway). Fate/Extra is a title that's near and dear to me, since it was a game that I picked up on a whim at a time when I was always interested in new and/or quirky RPGs that tried to do something different.

Fate/Extra was definitely that. Love or hate the game, it has a genuinely unique battle system, an off-the-wall soundtrack that goes for more ethereal atmosphere than anything, and a plot that isn't afraid to mix up expectations with long-existing characters while introducing equally intriguing, brand new ones.

It was also, of all things, my first real gateway to the labyrinthine Fate franchise. After playing Extra, I decided to watch Fate/Zero, which rapidly hooked me, and became my first anime after a long drought of disinterest in the medium, and the rest is history. Since then, I played the original VN in its entirety, and watched almost every anime that came about in the meantime, namely the fantastic Ufotable adaptations of the original series and the underrated El Melloi II Case Files.

Little did I know there was also a sequel, and that for many years, there had been attempts at breaking through its Moon Cell-esque barrier in attempts at making a translation, with little success.

At some point, I happened upon the dormant project, and happened upon some other like-minded souls interested in carrying the torch and bringing the project to fruition.

Nearly a decade later, here we are.

We've had several testers going through the many, many routes of the game, primarily in an effort to fix grammar quibbles, typos, inaccuracies, and so on.

While we've been very, very thorough, bear in mind, CCC is a massive, MASSIVE script, and things may have slipped through the cracks. We're a pretty small team, but we're quick to fix problems, so if you happen upon any, feel free to let us know, just bear in mind, there's bound to be some escapees when dealing with a project of this scope. (I have a newfound respect for the lunatics at XSeed and the like who dealt with the Legend of Heroes games.)

We tried to be as accurate to the original script as possible. Anyone familiar with Kinoko Nasu's works knows that he loves his obscure references and intricacies, so we tried to keep those as faithful as can be.

So without further ado, put conventional thinking to one side, and enjoy your trip into the Moon Cell.

Well, I 'say' enjoy...


P.S. Shout-outs to the Tamamo faithful in our discord for keeping the faith.
I still remember how excited I got when I managed to change some text on screen in Fate/Extra by manually fiddling with the emulator’s memory. Back then, I had no idea what I was doing or what it takes to make a fan translation. I was just learning and researching the game files with no particular goal in mind. Who knew it would go from that to releasing one of the longest and most complex projects I’ve ever worked on. I’m happy we were able to make both the CCC English patch and the Perfect Patch. I hope with this release we finally delivered to you the ultimate Fate/Extra experience. Thank you to everyone else on the team for making this dream possible, and thank you all for sticking with us for all this time.

- Kotcrab

P.S. For those interested in our translation tools we’re planning to open source them in the near future so stay tuned.
It has been an honor being your shitposter. This project was certainly one of the longest I've been on, and I only joined partway! Being able to release Fate/Extra with subtitles was amazing to see, but that'll pale in comparison to seeing CCC in the hands of everyone out there! Thank you to ItsumoKnight and everyone for taking the chance and letting me join up! Originally, I thought I'd just be doing the audio-only translations, which at the time I was worried I'd gotten myself over my head with how hard that could be (I'm looking at you Gatou 🗡). I'm happy to say not only did everything work out, but I was able to contribute even more to getting this out the door. Someone had to take the team role of “deadline setter” and “whip cracking”~

Fate has been a special series to me ever since the Deen anime got me into it years and years ago. It may not be everyone's favorite, but I loved it to hell and back, and it was only uphill from there. I played the visual novel shortly after, but only the Fate route had been translated at the time. I remember rabidly jumping at the UBW patch the moment it released and reading it in record time. To think I'd go from a fan eagerly awaiting a fan patch to the translator providing the patch…

Thank you to all of you as well for your tremendous patience! For getting the editing pass done, Kotcrab rewarded me with a certain PSP script I've been wishing for, so you may see me again soon~
Just popping in to thank everyone for their amazing work and dedication! I didn’t contribute too much other than a couple of graphics and tidbits, but it was incredible to see the team put everything together. I’m really happy more people get to play this game and experience the full Fate/Extra series experience (and find some closure too)!
Hi hi, I was mainly in charge of the image editing for a lot of the textures in the game. And I'd like to thank everyone's hard work for making this huge project a possibility and for making me part of the team. And if you're a fan of princess connect, feel free to check out my twitter (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)
I just want to say I'm incredibly glad that Kotcrab took it over. Without him this would not have gotten the treatment it deserved.


And finally, the patch itself! – Fate/Extra CCC – English Patch v1.0
Bug/typo reporting form – Fate/Extra CCC – Bug/Typo Reporting Form