The end of an era: Ryutaro Nakamura – 1955-2013

It isn’t often I post about stuff not related to translation projects, but if it wasn’t for this man, my handle(and this group’s moniker) would not exist.


Serial Experiments Lain forever changed my opinion of anime, and its creator has sadly left us behind.


See you on the Other Side, Nakamura. You’ll always be Omnipresent.


On a lighter note(and somewhat relevant to our readers interests, I hope), Shadowrun Returns is now available, and is quite enjoyable so far.


See you in Seattle, chummers.

Golden Reverie Updates: New Font, Translated OP, Ronove, Chiester, Kanon scenarios

Lots of updates. Firstly, I’ve included a video of the OP with annotations of the lyrics I created. I adapted a translation into phonetic lyrics so you can sing along! (I’m sure you Ranma 1/2 fans will appreciate the touch.)

It will be hard-subtitled in-game.

Also, we have 5 out of the 18 scenarios done. Sorry it’s taking a while, but inserting the text is the tough part. Once it’s there, I edit, and golden.

Additionally, we have a new font!
Straight outta OMK Cross. (That’s the sequel which we’ll do someday, most likely.)

Here’s some screens:

Original Font (Ronove Scenario)

New Font (Battler/Lucifer & Chiester/Eva scenarios)

Stay tuned.

Spaaaace Chan-
wait, wrong game.