Fate/Extra CCC: May Update

Just what it says on the tin.

Shocking, right? I’ll let our resident meltist take over from here-


May Update

Good day to you, this is ItsumoKnight with this month’s update.

I was kinda hoping to hand it over to CJ but y’all just keep draggin’ me back.

My offhand comment’s been fire in the community.

Y’all keep calling me crazy for preferring it. Due to the discourse this sparked we had an in-group discussion and decided: Why argue? Let’s have both.

We’ll include Meltryllis as an option in the patch.

Now I can’t just let that be the only thing I talk about so let’s look at one of the areas that was really expanded from Extra (and subsequently further refined in Extella and Grand Order): My Room.

Yes, it was called that in Extra. That far back. I know.



They make much better use of space. While speaking to your Servant is still the primary use of the room, you can also change clothes, check the Matrix, and view the in-game CGs.



If you are so inclined, you have the limited ability to make dear Hakuno into a fashion disaster*. All cosmetic items are gender-exclusive. You can change the color of the glasses.

(*Editor’s note: I thought garters were in this season…)


As you can imagine, Extella was of great help in providing info. Too bad Bride Nero was the only one to make it to FGO. Now why wasn’t Goth-Bondage Tamamo approved? Hmmm.


Surprisingly, the Info Matrix was retained but demoted to providing exposition. Its function as “information is power” has been taken over by the SG (Secret Garden). As a side note, BB’s class man.

NSFW-ish alert, wee-oo

And last but not least, the Gallery is where you can look at your collection of lewds-no, not really, but yes-really.

Alright. I think that’s it for this month. I’m not goin’ anywhere so I’ll see you all later.


Short version: Blah blah blah Memes Meltryllis option. Also, My Room evolution.

Fate/Extra CCC: Gameplay Preview! And more fan service.

I’ll let Itsumo take it from here.


April Update

Hey there, it’s ItsumoKnight again. Now that we’re very, VERY far away from April Fools’ we can do that update. If there’s ever one thing I did right by you all, it’s my absolute insistence that we “never ever crack a CCC team joke”. Ever. Some jokes are good-bad and some jokes are BAD-bad. I feel very strongly about that.

Before we begin, thank y’all for the kindness of your hearts. Seriously, thanks.

In regards to updates, it’ll probably be mostly iwakura.p as per usual but I’ll pop in whenever I feel the need to exposit.

Now, as I recall, you wanted a shiny. So here’s a shiny.






Now let’s go over what we got here.

The first chronological thing that you saw the versus text. Ye, we did it.



For the folks who don’t know what this is because they, oh, never played JP Extra (and why would you, I sure wouldn’t have if I didn’t have to for this): “Type-Moon loves dat engrish. Go figure.” When Aksys did their localization, I’ll admit they did…a few neat things. One of which was localizing the Arena battle texture. And it IS a texture, cuz it sure would’ve been convenient otherwise. Sooooo we had a couple of our hard-working team members typeset this out for us. I don’t know about you but from what I’ve seen, font hunting is not fun. They did great. It’s so shiny.

For comparison, in Extra:



(For the record, the line “Flame dancing, Earth splitting, Ocean withering” is in the Extra script. I’m mad at Aksys because they didn’t quote it verbatim when it came up even though they did the dang texture, meaning they just missed the ref. It’s one of those flashbacks with the ruined city. See if you can’t find it.)

Now the >>>actual<<< first thing you saw were the subs. Oh boy, we put in subs!



So apparently we already said we were doing softsubs. Who said that? WHO DA F%*& SAID THAT!?!? Well, fine. You get confirmation from the rest of us.

It sure is pretty isn’t it. Now that I look at it as I’m typing this, we did put the “h” in Rin’s name. It just didn’t feel right without it. And for the sake of authenticity, we kept the name order the same too. Totally not because it’s a pain to rearrange or anything. Right. Speaking of, we’ll be sticking with “Meltlilith”. I think it’s cooler and it’s not our friggin responsibility if TM’s own documents had the wrong dang spelling for years on end.

Now about Skills.



For CCC we switched around the text and furigana.It just feeeeeeels better when you pick the option that says [Rho Aias] or [Caladbolg II] instead of ‘7 Rings’ or ‘Helix whatever’. Currently we’re keeping the Skill descriptions and names as they are Extra (unless of course they’re plain wrong). I suppose it’s us wanting to keep continuity with Extra. So if there’re any skill quirks, better figure ‘em out yourself.

Did you think we were done? Surprise! Extra’s never over!!!


Extra subs, baby! Now if you ever wondered what the heck they were saying in the middle of story fights and wanted to know, you totally can! You just have to beat the game again. Thrice. >_>

It’ll be out sometime. Until then, writhe.

As a bonus, here’s Shiki using her Noble Phantasm.


Chances are the battle goes either “She’s dead” or “You’re dead” so the fight almost never gets this far. As you can see on the top-left, I literally had to cheat to drag the battle out until she seals all 4 of your options. Witness her dissing you in all her glory.

Welp, that’s all folks! IzamleKnizzle shining out.


Short version: Look at dat polish. Is so shiny. Extra patch laterz.

Fate/Extra CCC Update From The Head Translator

[Editorial Warning, Wee-Ooo]

I’ve been getting lots of messages, which I occasionally forward to the team, and one of them decided to respond in (very) elaborate detail on the many complications and hang-ups involved in this project that got us to where we are today, so here you go.

Disclaimer: the words and sentiments conveyed therein do not necessarily convey my thoughts or Lain’s.

Well, maybe Lain’s.


Letter to the Community

Hello. My name is ItsumoKnight and I’m the lead translator of the Fate/Extra CCC translation project.

I understand you have complaints.
The translation of this game has been going on since September 29th, 2015 (5 freaking years) and you’re STILL not done? On top of that, we’ve only got scant updates here and there throughout the years and they look like crap? What the hell are you guys doing?!
Well boys and girls. Unwitting or not, I’m your culprit.

There have been concerns that we’ve been disingenuous. That’d be my fault.
I f***ing love keeping secrets. Talking to people is hard, and surprises are what I live for.

Talk to people before you do something, work together towards a common goal, have more than one or two friends? But I hate social media, I hated group projects in school, and I barely know how life works. Ideas that have changed over time but never fully disappeared. And let’s just say those weren’t the only problems I had along the way.

You remember that Extra patch we put out right after Last Encore started airing? No warning, just popped out. Prime example. I’m a secretive mofo.
So you know what happened, now you know who it was, and presumably you want to know WHAT happened. You ready for a sob story?

Firstly, the project did not start in 2015. No, I’m not talking about the previous CCC project. It actually started on January 8th, 2016, when I joined. And there were only 3 people, each with very specific skillsets. It was heavy for everyone. Up until that point the team was only staring at a 49,000 line main script and only making the first forays into the prologue. That may upset you, but the main translator was actively attending university so there was no helping that. When I showed up, I was fresh off Extra and really, really mad about the ending. Then I learned there was a sequel and that the effort was kinda stalled. I remember having a hell of a time finding CJ’s email address, cuz it wasn’t the hell on his site. I had never done fan translation before and I only had a passing familiarity with Japanese, but by god was I gonna power through it. Quote: “I’ll sub it if I have to.”

None of us had played (let alone finished) the game before and what we did know of the game files was what little the previous project left behind. When I learned the state of things, I decided that the first thing to do was to gain context and make research documents for reference. We should have at least one person who’s familiar with the story and gameplay, and someone who serve as lore consultant. That my role was to assist the main translator. Pretty straightforward, right? Hahahaha. No. God no.

If you thought the last project was troubled and broke up, listen to this: No one on the team knew what they were getting into.

I am not trying to blame people. To not know and to do other things is what people with lives do. But if you want to get the full picture, you have to understand not just whodunit but whydunit and howdunit.

Okay. So there were 4 people on our team. The main translator has hardcore school and we got to know each other, but we barely ever talked about CCC. CJ and our hacker Esper don’t know Japanese and were juggling projects left & right and, while we got to know each other, inevitably barely talked about CCC. They all have families, careers, and interests of their own. I recall Esper had at least 15 other projects, some of which were CJ’s. It’s not like I wasn’t guilty of the same thing since I totally did finish a few projects between then and now. Alright. Now we are left with me: the secondary translator who was hardly personable and a complete novice at all aspects involved. Cool.

“Let’s get cracking” I said. Here’s a good one: How much do you think we actually knew about Fate/Extra CCC at the time? Answer: Jack $#!t.
I did my preliminary research: Prologue, 7 Chapters, 5 hard Endings. Oh, there’s also a spinoff manga with Tamamo? Are there any chapters in English? …nope, all I can find are disparate Chinese raws. Ooh, there’s a forum where they were discussing this at length called Beast’s Lair. There’s…a link to where all the volume raws are like 20 pages back. Whoa. Gonna batch that, upload to mediafire and post. Hah, someone said “We’d get working on this but there aren’t any raws.” Better remind them. Heheh, they had a “Wait, what” double-take.
That was in February. I’m not saying the FoxTail effort wouldn’t have happened without me; but it would’ve taken significantly longer if one person didn’t point out a single fact to the right people. Funny how much one person can affect a fan project. Another thing I learned is that being short-staffed is always a problem. THAT one crushed me.

Where was I? Oh right: Jack $#!t.
Here’s the kicker: 49,000 lines and we have NO IDEA WHO’S SAYING WHAT.
I’m convinced of what I’m supposed to be doing and it’s mostly by myself. This was the first time I ever worked on a game translation. Not a VN, a Game. With gameplay and maps. I watched playthroughs of all routes and played through it once, CCC route. Now that I know the gist of everything that’s going to happen, let’s watch it again but take PAINSTAKING NOTES ON EVERY LINE. Yes I threw in the exact line #s. At least we’ll know the dang speaker for the majority of the lines. I’ll throw in some comedy on this reference doc too, just for the people who’re going to be reading it. I was…kinda preoccupied with doing my own thing.

Reference docs, reference docs, reference docs. You think this was a fast process? At some point, I noticed a pattern: There were some duplicates of lines with the exact same content. Better make a reference doc of that too. Better run this by the team. The hacker, Esper…makes a shorter version of the script that accounts for the dups. The real main script length is now 29,000 lines and I have 100+ pages of outdated documents. But I’ve made them so I’m still using them to this day. I have to stare at them. It was a real simple code job, just had to know the issue and ask. A single fact to the right people. H-Had I known, had I… See kids, keeping in contact is important. I pretended everything was fine, of course. But that was the first time I broke.

I don’t need to tell you this but I live and breathe too, ya know? I graduated high school as an idiot with very few friends and barely any plans, attended college with very few friends, dad was diagnosed and died of cancer within a month so those plans crumbled, graduated as an idiot with very few friends and barely any degrees, family had to move out a few times (it was not voluntary), got a dead-end entry-level job, got fired from entry-level job, got depressed, got the same dead-end entry-level job, succeeded at it by putting in way too much effort, a few friendships ended, stayed for a while before I realized what said job was doing to me, in-between jobs and I don’t need to tell you this because tens of thousands of people have the exact same story so it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Some of the bad things that happened to me were my own fault, some weren’t. The bad things that happen to you don’t make you who you are, it’s what you do and don’t do; THAT’s what defines you.

It wasn’t like all that stuff ever stopped me from having hobbies, it just gave me less time and energy to do them. And it’s not like it was the fault of anyone else on the team, we’re all volunteers doing what we love. It was the display of my own raw incompetence, both to seek help and to do what I’m supposed to be doing, that did the trick.

Never was quite the same after that. Still rolled on, making docs. Uhh, I’ve been keeping in touch with the rest of the team. Yeah. Even tried getting everyone together over AIM, or Skype. Remember those? Dead like disco. Uhh, main translator’s been done with school, moved on to career and hasn’t had time to translate. At all. It was time for them to move on. As a person I entirely respect and applaud their choice…but as a team member, I was main translator now. I didn’t exactly sign up for that. Okay. We have outdated docs with funny comments no one’s gonna read, barely anything done, and now you’re up kid. Good luck! Same reasons: incompetence to seek help and do the thing. Pretended to be fine, broke a second time. Yada yada.

Alright, so the thing I love now evokes fear and trepidation. It’s kinda like setting your favorite song as your ringtone only to make you hate it due to operant conditioning. Investing so much into it caused massive burnout and works like Grand Order and Extella showed up so the fire’s gone baby. You’d think people who go into a passion project would have it together a bit better, right? Broke a few more times afterwards. It’s pretty bad. Project’s almost like a curse. Considering what happened to the previous project, it’s analogous to dat Scottish play. I still have mostly myself, the sole translator on a project I can’t put a dent into and the spirit of a puppy in the middle of a river. But you know what saves me? People.

Still never was quite the same. But slowly, yet surely, CJ and Esper brought me people who decided they wanted the same thing as us: to finish CCC…and make it dang pretty to boot. Of particular note was Kotcrab, who took over for Esper as main hacker. Boy did they pull open a can of whoop@$$ on the game files. Thanks to them, we have: easy access to data from other games like Extra and Extella, all the game audio, insertion of Extra’s font, neat things like ruby text/furigana, replacing textures, so so many cool things; not to mention moral support. Did you know the script was formatted in order of what maps show up first? Now I know, and that makes sense from a programming perspective. And now we know which character portrait gets pulled up with each line, so we know ‘who says what’ with a reasonable degree of accuracy. I am not kidding when I say they’re the one that makes the project even possible. And I did take time off from CCC to do other projects like: FoxTail (yes, I helped more than just the beginning), the Nanoha PSP games, the Blossom-sensei OAVs, and the FGOxCCC event (even if I didn’t approach it very efficiently)…not to mention that Extra patch we put out stealthily.

For everyone who has yet to suffer seeing crap like “Legendary Soul”, “formal wear” or “Hakuno Kisinami” over and over again. I’m still eyeing other spinoffs, but I’m wiping my drool. Funny enough, there was one time 3 translators volunteered in short succession. God, what? JS, Aria & khika. I love them all to bits plus they’re cool as heck but JS is a real trooper. They brought the entire project over to Python and is making tools to actually kill this beast, on top of taking sizable chunks out of the script themselves. Esper’s off doing their own thing(s) and barely having any time to themselves, and CJ’s still around shielding me from all the criticism I’ve been avoiding. There’s more members of the team, a good number either retired or are busy with their own stuff, but they did their thing and they rock.

Now we have a full team. If anything’s holding the project back, it’s my sob story. My weak @$$. But should I quit? Hell no, I want to do this.

Yes, of course we have stuff to show for it after ~5 years. Dang right I’m keeping important update information behind my nice arse curtains. I am a broken @$$ $#!tbag. I am questionable decisions. You want something shiny? Oh boy do we have something shiny. Look forward to it.

This post has been a gigantic excuse for why a years-old fan project still isn’t done yet, courtesy of me. By now you should understand I’m a master of self-depreciation. I learned that word from TWEWY. I’ve poured my heart out and now I bare my soul.

I hope that was a fun read, cuz even though that was painful I had fun too. Rants are fun.

If you have questions, I’ll try to get to them. We’ll be trying for monthly updates from now on but no guarantee. There’s no guarantee for anything in this world. But there’s no one who can live for you, breathe for you. I wonder what will define me at the very end? Stay tuned for more BB Channel, until the very end of that love story.


Short version: Hi I’m ItsumoKnight. I suck, team rocks. Ganbarimasu.

Sakura Wars Saturn translation joins the troupe! (and an EP update)

As you may have heard, another team began their own translation project for Sakura Wars… only the Saturn version.


I thought it seemed silly to make them do double work when we had so much done, so we decided to join forces, Japan and Paris Troupe style.


This is the result.




The Saturn version is light years ahead of the PC one(re: actually playable), so it’s moving along very well, but we have no intention of giving up on the PC version, it’s just gonna take a bit longer.

And as the deluge of comments and tweets imply, no, CCC is not cancelled, it’s on the backburner so projects like this and Eternal Punishment(which are WORLDS easier) can see completion.

Which, as you can see, is also seeing forward momentum.



Minor updates and stuff


A lot of commenters seem to think I’ve given up, abandoned the projects, moved to Tokyo, etc etc etc, so here’s the story so far.

Sakura Wars

Script is nearing completion, and editing is ramping up.

If you were to put a Masami Eiri plush to my head and ask me which project is closest to completion, this would be it.

Persona 2

The hacker is working on stuff. That’s all I got for now.



Same as last time nothing new to report, translation is still moving along.


See you next time.



Yes, I know.

Fate/Extra CCC Status Update: 17%

Fresh from the Death Busters HQ.

I never did make one of these updates, did I?



So let’s make like Jeezy and get it.


Text insertion and graphic editing is underway in tandem with the translation. You can see the fruits of the labors above.

We also have two new helpers: Cargodin(@cargodin) and Kotcrab(@kotcrab), helping with graphics and editing, respectively.
That’s all for now, keep on shining. Or something.

A Status Update (or: in the name of all that’s holy, I swear nothing is cancelled.)


“Some people who don’t know about your Twitter might think all your projects are dead, though.”

“any chance of a blog post on how the EP translation is going along?”

“Is it alright to ask how the Devil Children translation is going though? (Also good luck with CCC)”
“e p p s p w h e n (actually did debisama happen? I’m out of the loop. I assume not yet)”

“Hi cj, is fate extra CCC english patch coming out?”

“Quick Question, is the Eternal Punishment project beeing cancelled or do you continue it? There has not been any update in quite a while”


You. get. the. idea.

So first things first, since I could fill the grand canyon with the requests for this and give E.T. a run for his money.


Yes, I know.


Fate/Extra CCC (PSP)


Unchanged. Not cancelled. Full stop. Do not pass go. Do not cut off Gilgamesh’s arm.

Actually, totally do that.



Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PSP)

Moving along nicely! Making solid progress with the remainder of the editing. I can’t say a 2017 release is a given, but it’s damn possible, at least based on the text progress.

Devil Summoner (PSP)

Well, I’m not involved in this, but as an intermediary for Esper, I can assure you it’s happening.

Devil Children: Red & Black Book (PS1)

I am involved in this! Well, as a tester and the editor. And EsperKnight is too. I can’t wait, and you best believe as a proud member of the Cult of Mirai, I will not let this go unreleased.

Sakura Wars (PC)


Translation is maybe 40% done. Stay tuned.

Shadowrun (Sega CD)


Just kidding. I have to keep lighting a fire under Esper for this one. It’s a bitch, let’s put it that way. But we’ll get there.

That’s all I got for now, hit me up on twitter or something if you’d like to know more, but probably not much to share  that isn’t here already, unless you want excerpts of Shikigami lore or EP PSP’s script or some junk.


Back to Disgaea 2. Ciao.

Progress Updates And Stuff

Due to a few requests for updates…


Okay, several.

Fate/Extra CCC

Organizational phases. @ItsumoKnight is currently laying out the script by chapter to match up with our translation. When you have a project this massive, translating things out of context just won’t do.

I’d say 20% organized. We have translation work going concurrently. Hard to explain. It’s one of those things that when I have something tangible to show, I will. But it is still a thing. Just don’t expect any reliable timeframe just yet.

On the bright side, I did retranslate the OPs to get my feet wet, so have an enjoy. As with my usual song lyric translations, I did my best to match the translation syllables to the JP pronunciation. So sing along! OR DIE. ❤




Sakura Wars

Just got a new scenario update. It’s sitting at somewhere between 40-50% complete, and we have a new organizational method, so expect things to progress faster from here.

You’re not the boss of me.

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Waiting on more script extractions. Shop text is largely finished. I’d say it’s at 25%.


In need of a new translator, also mired in bugs. Still on hold. NOT CANCELLED. NEVER. MARK MY WORDS. (Put it in Red, Beato.)

The Silver Case

Officially cancelled. In case you haven’t heard, Playism is officially localizing it, in conjunction with Suda51 himself.


Please give them your support.


See you next time.


[April Fools] The Fate/Stay Night Retranslation Project

After long months of planning, we’re finally ready to reveal our trump card. CCC, Sakura Wars, Ougon Musou, Shikigami, and Shadowrun were all mere tests to see if we could pull this off.

Now I know we can. Iwakura Productions proudly presents, in the grand tradition of MOBILE LIGHT FORCE 2 and CHERRY TREE HIGH COMEDY CLUB(tm):


I’m sure you’ve felt the same way I have. Fate/Stay Night, with its convoluted focus on mythology, romantic drama, and outdated Japanese traditions is far too obtuse for an American audience, so we are proud to finally give Fate/Stay Night the translation it DESERVES!


No longer set in the boring town of Fuyuki City. Oh no. Fate/Stay Night Hyper Retranslation Extreme Justice Remix(FSN HREJR for short) will now take place in the sprawling suburban land of FREDRICKSBURG.


Each and every character has been given a new American name, in keeping with the time-honored tradition of classic localization. In addition to their new names, fans can expect a totally relocated plot.Every story element, weapon, and reference will be adjusted to match. Have no idea who Cu Chulainn is? Lost in Arthurian mythology? Don’t give a flying hell about silly Kendo swordplay? This is the translation for you!

We’ll be proud to unveil more about this translaton as the weeks go on. Nasu has already given his approval, and we plan on a full release for a wide variety of systems. Included but not limited to PS Vita, Dreamcast, the Saturn, the Amiga, and the Game Gear.

Stay tuned, space cats. Who needs CCC, anyway? This will put Fate on the MAP!